Course5.0 average rating (1 review)An interview with Todd about his approach to cranial work. Interviews with students and clients about how this work has catalyzed change for them, and their perspective of this approach to biodynamic treatment.
Biodynamic Q&A - 2022
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Todd answers practitioner questions about the experience of biodynamic treatment
Bodywork Bundle
Bundlea collection of lectures, guided meditations, shaking, and other content recorded during biodynamic cranial and biodynamic massage workshops
Grounded & Centered
Course5.0 average rating (2 reviews)interface basics for bodyworkers
Motives in the Cranial Field
Coursehow do practitioner motives influence what develops during cranial work?
Shaking Basics
Course5.0 average rating (11 reviews)bare basics to begin shaking