Course curriculum

    1. winter term overview

    2. thoracic eye introduction

    3. January 5 - eye white intro, restorative setubandha, sarvangasana II, pranayama

    4. January 5 - HD

    5. January 12 - another layer of eye corner work, building up to salabhasana and niralamba sarvangasana, including pranayama

    6. January 12 - HD

    7. January 19 - iris introduction, supported urdhva dhanurasana, ustrasana, jathara parivartanasana

    8. January 19 - HD

    9. January 26 - continued work with iris, restorative supta dhanurasana, shoulderstand, pranayama

    10. January 26 - HD

    11. February 2 - chair dhanurasana variations, chair shoulderstand, chair seated forward bends, brief pranayama

    12. February 2 - HD

    13. February 9 - thoracic eye explorations in utthita trikonasana, parsvottanasana, ardha badda padmottanasana, janusirsasana, and pranayama

    14. February 9 - HD

    15. February 16 - thoracic eye prep for revolved standing poses, pincha mayurasana, ghomukhasana, including pranayama

    16. February 16 - HD

    17. February 23 - thoracic eye in 1/2 supta virasana, sirsasana, supported backbends, and halasana

    18. February 23 - HD

    19. March 2 - utthita hasta padangusthasana, seated ustrasana, deep heart opening restorative, headstand, shoulderstand, pranayama

    20. March 2 - HD

    21. March 9 - ribcage preparation for pranayama, pranayama for thoracic eye

    22. March 9 - HD

    23. March 16 - relating the sides of pelvic, respiratory, iris diaphragms, including a restorative version of matsyendrasana, headstand and halasana.

    24. March 16 - HD

    1. winter term overview

    2. thoracic eye introduction

    3. January 5 - eye white intro, restorative setubandha, sarvangasana II, pranayama

    4. January 5 - HD

    5. January 12 - another layer of eye corner work, building up to salabhasana and niralamba sarvangasana, including pranayama

    6. January 12 - HD

    7. January 19 - iris introduction, supported urdhva dhanurasana, ustrasana, jathara parivartanasana

    8. January 19 - HD

    9. January 26 - continued work with iris, restorative supta dhanurasana, shoulderstand, pranayama

    10. January 26 - HD

    11. February 2 - thoracic eye Q&A, chair dhanurasana variations, chair shoulderstand, chair seated forward bends

    12. February 2 - HD

    13. February 9 - thoracic eye explorations in utthita trikonasana, parsvottanasana, ardha badda padmottanasana, janusirsasana, and pranayama

    14. February 9 - HD

    15. February 16 - thoracic eye prep for revolved standing poses, pincha mayurasana, ghomukhasana, including pranayama

    16. February 16 - HD

    17. February 23 - thoracic eye in 1/2 supta virasana, sirsasana, supported backbends, and halasana, including seated pranayama

    18. February 23 - HD

    19. March 2 - utthita hasta padangusthasana, seated ustrasana, deep heart opening restorative, headstand, shoulderstand, pranayama

    20. March 2 - HD

    21. March 9 - ribcage preparation for pranayama, pranayama for thoracic eye

    22. March 9 - HD

    23. March 16 - relating the sides of pelvic, respiratory, iris diaphragms, including a restorative version of matsyendrasana, headstand and halasana.

    24. March 16 - HD

    1. winter term overview

    2. thoracic eye introduction

    3. January 6 - eye white intro, ghomukhasana, sarvangasana II, extended pranayama

    4. January 6 - HD

    5. January 13 - layered eye corner work, building up to headstand, shoulderstand with arm variations, and including pranayama

    6. January 13 - HD

    7. January 20- iris intro, headstand, salabhasana, dhanurasana, shoulderstand, including pranayama

    8. January 20 - HD

    9. January 27 - continued iris work, ardha chandrasana, headstand, shoulderstand, pranayama

    10. January 27 - HD

    11. February 3 - thoracic eye work in eka pada rajakaoptasana, chair viparita dandasana, dropping back onto chair from shoulderstand, supine uttanasana with chair

    12. February 3 - HD

    13. February 10 - thoracic eye explorations in ardha chandrasana, parivrtta ardha chandrasana, parsva sirsasana, parsva sarvangasana, and pranayama

    14. February 10 - HD

    15. February 17 - thoracic eye work in front thigh openers, viparita ustrasana, chair twists and pranayama

    16. February 17 - HD

    17. February 24 - thoracic eye releasing, using the legs as long levers via hanumanasana, including headstand, shoulderstand and pranayama

    18. February 24 - HD

    19. March 3 - front body and lateral body preparations for prayanama, with headstand and shoulderstand, and thoracic eye to heart center prayanama

    20. March 3 - HD

    21. March 10 - ribcage preparations for pranayama, with headstand, halasana, pranayama for thoracic eye

    22. March 10 - HD

    23. March 17 - relating the sides of pelvic, respiratory, iris diaphragms, including elevated seated forward bends, headstand with leg variations and halasana.

    24. March 17 - HD

    1. winter term overview

    2. thoracic eye introduction

    3. January 7 - eye white intro, chair supported preparations, chair shoulderstand, pranayama

    4. January 7 - HD

    5. January 14 - more detailed front and back corner white content, working up to upward dog and ghomukhasana, including pranayama

    6. January 14 - HD

    7. January 21- iris intro, ardha supta virasana, setubandha sarvangasana with chair, chair shoulderstand, including pranayama

    8. January 21 - HD

    9. January 28 - continued iris work, utthita hasta padangusthasana, supine supported heart openers, handstand, chair shoulderstand, pranayama

    10. January 28 - HD

    11. February 4 - bi-directional heart center to intercardinal iris movements, ardha supta virasana, restorative makarasana, seated forward bends, brief pranayama

    12. February 4 - HD

    13. February 11 - thoracic eye explorations in parsvottanasana, janusirsasana, baddha konasana forward bend, ardha matsyendrasana I, urdvha muka pascimottanasana II, and pranayama

    14. February 11 - HD

    15. February 18 - thoracic eye prep for maricyasana I, including headstand and shoulderstand with halasana, and seated pranayama

    16. February 18 - HD

    17. February 25 - thoracic eye in trikonasana, parivrtta trikonasana, baddha konasana, maricyasana II, and supine recovery.

    18. February 25 - HD

    19. March 4 - seated ustrasana, formal downward dog, hanumanasana, pranayama for iris and heart center

    20. March 4 - HD

    21. March 11 - lower body preparations for deep core pranayama

    22. March 11 - HD

    23. March 18 - relating the sides of pelvic, respiratory, iris diaphragms, including urdhva prasarita ekapadasana, and multiple matsyendrasana variations among hip openers.

    24. March 18 - HD

    1. winter term overview

    2. thoracic eye introduction

    3. January 7 - eye white intro, chair supported preparations, chair shoulderstand, pranayama

    4. January 7 - HD

    5. January 14 - more detailed front and back corner white content, working up to upward dog and ghomukhasana, including pranayama

    6. January 14 - HD

    7. January 21- iris intro, ardha supta virasana, setubandha sarvangasana with chair, chair shoulderstand, including pranayama

    8. January 21 - HD

    9. January 28 - continued iris work, utthita hasta padangusthasana, supine supported heart openers, chair shoulderstand, pranayama

    10. January 28 - HD

    11. February 4 - bi-directional heart center to intercardinal iris movements, ardha supta virasana, restorative makarasana, seated forward bends, brief pranayama

    12. February 4 - HD

    13. February 11 - thoracic eye explorations in parsvottanasana, janusirsasana, baddha konasana forward bend, ardha matsyendrasana I, urdvha muka pascimottanasana II, and pranayama

    14. February 11 - HD

    15. February 18 - thoracic eye prep for maricyasana I, including headstand and shoulderstand with halasana, and seated pranayama

    16. February 18 - HD

    17. February 25 - thoracic eye in trikonasana, parivrtta trikonasana, baddha konasana, maricyasana II, and supine recovery.

    18. February 25 - HD

    19. March 4 - seated ustrasana, formal downward dog, hanumanasana, pranayama for iris and heart center

    20. March 4 - HD

    21. March 11 - lower body preparations for deep core pranayama

    22. March 11 - HD

    23. March 18 - relating the sides of pelvic, respiratory, iris diaphragms, including urdhva prasarita ekapadasana, and multiple matsyendrasana variations among hip openers.

    24. March 18 - HD

About this course

  • $120.00
  • 120 lessons
  • 148 hours of video content