Course curriculum

    1. summer term overview

    2. kidney intro - how to locate, common movements

    3. June 22 - brief introduction to kidneys in lunge variations, gentle simhasana, supine restorative backbends

    4. June 22 - HD

    5. June 29 - restoration after intense heat - kidneys restorative poses, headstand, chair assisted shoulderstand

    6. June 29 - HD

    7. July 6 - kidneys in supta padangusthasana, outer hip openers, headstand, setubandha, shoulderstand

    8. July 6 - HD

    9. July 13 - kidneys in inner-thigh openers prior to eka pada rajakapotasana II, with headstand, shoulderstand and surya bedhana pranayama

    10. July 13 - HD

    11. July 20 - inner kidneys in vrksasana variations, trikonasana, parivrtta trikonasana, supine front hip openers, including supine ujjayi pranayama

    12. July 20 - HD

    13. July 27 - kidneys in virabhadrasana III, pincha mayurasana, supine supported pranayama

    14. July 27 - HD

    15. Aug 3 - turning from the kidneys, including headstand, shoulderstand, parsva upa vista konasana, seated twists, supine pranayama

    16. Aug 3 - HD

    17. Aug 10 - kidneys in gentle supine heart openers, sequencing up to eka pada rajakapotasana III, including shoulderstand and supine pranayama

    18. Aug 10 - HD

    19. Aug 17 - kidneys in preparations for strapped legs in headstand, shoulderstand and savasana

    20. Aug 17 - HD

    1. summer term overview

    2. kidney intro - how to locate, common movements

    3. June 22 - brief introduction to kidneys in lunge variations, gentle simhasana, supine restorative backbends

    4. June 22 - HD

    5. June 29 - restoration after intense heat - kidneys restorative poses, headstand, chair assisted shoulderstand

    6. June 29 - HD

    7. July 6 - kidneys in supta padangusthasana, outer hip openers, headstand, setubandha, shoulderstand

    8. July 6 - HD

    9. July 13 - kidneys in inner-thigh openers prior to eka pada rajakapotasana II, with headstand, shoulderstand and surya bedhana pranayama

    10. July 13 - HD

    11. July 20 - inner kidneys in vrksasana variations, trikonasana, parivrtta trikonasana, supine front hip openers, urdhva muka paschimottanasana II

    12. July 20 - HD

    13. July 27 - kidneys in virabhadrasana III, pincha mayurasana, supine supported pranayama

    14. July 27 - HD

    15. Aug 3 - turning from the kidneys, including headstand, shoulderstand, parsva upa vista konasana, seated twists

    16. Aug 3 - HD

    17. Aug 10 - kidneys in gentle supine heart openers, sequencing up to eka pada rajakapotasana III, including shoulderstand and supine pranayama

    18. Aug 10 - HD

    19. Aug 17 - kidneys in preparations for strapped legs in headstand, shoulderstand and savasana

    20. Aug 17 - HD

    1. summer term overview

    2. kidney intro - how to locate, common movements

    3. June 23 - brief introduction to kidneys, with multiple rounds of baddha konasana between hip openers, including headstand and halasana

    4. June 23 - HD

    5. June 30 - restoration after intense heat - kidneys restorative poses, headstand, chair assisted shoulderstand

    6. June 30 - HD

    7. July 7 - inner and outer kidneys in ardha chandrasana, parsvottanasana, handstand, setubandha sarvangasana, pranayama

    8. July 7 - HD

    9. July 14 - kidneys in lazy parsvottanasana, trikonasana, ardha chandrasana, headstand into prasarita padottanasana, shoulderstand and pranayama

    10. July 14 - HD

    11. July 21 - inner kidneys in ustrasana, chair supported backbends, chair viparita dandasana, chair shoulderstand into sarvangasana II, supta padangusthasana series, ardha mastsyendrasana II

    12. July 21 - HD

    13. July 28 - kidneys in lunges, chair assisted eka pada rajakapotasana I, viparita dandasana, shoulderstand, chair assisted parivrtta krounchasana, supine pranayama

    14. July 28 - HD

    15. Aug 4 - kidneys in chair assisted standing poses and lunges, eka pada rajakapotasana II, dropping the legs back onto chair in shoulderstand,

    16. Aug 4 - HD

    17. Aug 11 - kidneys in supta padangusthasana series, seated twists and forward bends

    18. Aug 11 - HD

    19. Aug 18 - kidneys in bhujangasana, lunges, eka pada rajakapotasana III, dhanurasana

    20. Aug 18 - HD

    1. summer term overview

    2. kidney intro - how to locate, common movements

    3. June 24 - brief introduction to kidneys in supta padangusthasana, supported backbends, paschimottanasana and gomukhasana.

    4. June 24 - HD

    5. July 1 - restoration after intense heat - kidneys in chair assisted backbends, twists, including seated pranayama

    6. July 1 - HD

    7. July 8 - inner and outer kidneys in utthita hasta padangusthasana, maricyasana I, elevated baddha konasana, chair shoulderstand, pranayama

    8. July 8 - HD

    9. July 15 - kidneys in parivrtta parsvakonasana, ustrasana, sarvangasana, supine pranayama from the inner kidneys.

    10. July 15 - HD

    11. July 22 - no class today

    12. July 22 - HD - no class today

    13. July 29 - kidneys in utthita hasta padangusthasana, chair assisted twists, headstand with leg variations, shoulderstand with arm variations, janusirsasana, parivrtta paschimottanasana

    14. July 29 - HD

    15. Aug 5 - kidneys in gentle floor openers before standing poses, baddha konasana and vrksasana variations in headstand and shoulderstand, supine pranayama

    16. Aug 5 - HD

    17. Aug 12 - kidneys in front, back, inner, outer hip openers while seated and supine

    18. Aug 12 - HD

    19. Aug 19 - kidney work in poses that open the kidney meridians of the pelvis and legs

    20. Aug 19 - HD

    1. summer term overview

    2. kidney intro - how to locate, common movements

    3. June 24 - brief introduction to kidneys in supta padangusthasana, supported backbends, paschimottanasana and gomukhasana.

    4. June 24 - HD

    5. July 1 - restoration after intense heat - kidneys in chair assisted backbends, twists, including seated pranayama

    6. July 1 - HD

    7. July 8 - inner and outer kidneys in utthita hasta padangusthasana, maricyasana I, elevated baddha konasana, chair shoulderstand, pranayama

    8. July 8 - HD

    9. July 15 - kidneys in parivrtta parsvakonasana, ustrasana, sarvangasana, supine pranayama from the inner kidneys.

    10. July 15 - HD

    11. July 22 - no class today

    12. July 22 - HD - no class today

    13. July 29 - kidneys in utthita hasta padangusthasana, chair assisted twists, headstand with leg variations, shoulderstand with arm variations, janusirsasana, parivrtta paschimottanasana

    14. July 29 - HD

    15. Aug 5 - kidneys in gentle floor openers before standing poses, baddha konasana and vrksasana variations in headstand and shoulderstand, supine pranayama

    16. Aug 5 - HD

    17. Aug 12 - kidneys in front, back, inner, outer hip openers while seated and supine

    18. Aug 12 - HD

    19. Aug 19 - kidney work in poses that open the kidney meridians of the pelvis and legs

    20. Aug 19 - HD

About this course

  • $120.00
  • 100 lessons
  • 159 hours of video content