2021 - spring term yoga classes
Exploring the respiratory diaphragm in asana and pranayama.
spring term overview
FREE PREVIEWApril 6 - beginning diaphragm work with inner thigh and outer hip releasing, pranayama to release the back of the diaphragm
FREE PREVIEWApril 13 - three stations of the diaphragm, janu sursasana, upa vista konasana, sarvangasana into supta konasana and halasana, including pranayama
April 13 - HD
April 20 - walls of the diaphragm in seated and supine forward bends, halasana, pranayama
April 20 - HD
April 27 - back wall of the diaphragm, seated twists, supine pranayama
April 27 - HD
May 4 - diaphragm dome and walls in headstand, hip openers, supported backbends, and halasana, including pranayama
May 4 - HD
May 11 - diaphragm in utthita hasta padangusthasana, parivrtta trikonasana, chair assisted eka pada rajakapotasana, including supine pranayama
May 11 - HD
May 18 - front walls of diaphragm in supported urdhva mukha svanasana, setubandha sarvangasana, sarvangasana, seated twists, including supine pranayama
May 18 - HD
May 25 - front walls of diaphragm in standing hip openers, headstand, reclining leg stretches, shoulderstand, with seated pranayama
May 25 - HD
June 1 - diaphragm walls in squatting positions, hip openers, gentle malasana and seated pranayama
June 1 - HD
June 8 - diaphragm walls in hip preparations for multiple rounds of ardha matsyendrasana I, concluding in viparita karani
June 8 - HD
spring term overview
FREE PREVIEWApril 6 - beginning diaphragm work with inner thigh and outer hip releasing, pranayama to release the back of the diaphragm
FREE PREVIEWApril 13 - three stations of the diaphragm, janu sursasana, upa vista konasana, sarvangasana into supta konasana and halasana, including pranayama
April 13 - HD
April 20 - walls of the diaphragm in seated and supine forward bends, halasana, pranayama
April 20 - HD
April 27 - back wall of the diaphragm, seated twists, supine pranayama
April 27 - HD
May 4 - diaphragm dome and walls in headstand, hip openers, supported backbends, and halasana, including pranayama
May 4- HD
May 11 - diaphragm in utthita hasta padangusthasana, parivrtta trikonasana, chair assisted eka pada rajakapotasana, including supine pranayama
May 11 - HD
May 18 - front walls of diaphragm in supported urdhva mukha svanasana, setubandha sarvangasana, sarvangasana, seated twists, including supine pranayama
May 18 - HD
May 25 - front walls of diaphragm in standing hip openers, headstand, reclining leg stretches, shoulderstand, with seated pranayama
May 25 - HD
June 1 - diaphragm walls in squatting positions, hip openers, gentle malasana and seated pranayama
June 1 - HD
June 8 - diaphragm walls in hip preparations for multiple rounds of ardha matsyendrasana I, concluding in viparita karani
June 8 - HD
spring term overview
FREE PREVIEWApril 7 - beginning diaphragm work, including time with headstand, shoulderstand and pranayama for the posterior diaphragm
FREE PREVIEWApril 14 - three stations of the diaprhagm, parsva sirsasana, seated twists, parsva sarvangasana, supine pranayama
April 14 - HD
April 21 - walls of diaphragm in utthita hasta padangusthasana, bhujangasana, supported urdhva dhanurasana, sarvangasana and pranayama
April 21 - HD
April 28 - diaphragm walls and psoas with front thigh preparations for headstand and shoulderstand, including pranayama
April 28 - HD
May 5 - diaphragm dome and walls in standing lunges, bhujangasana, setubandha sarvangasana, and niralambha sarvangasana, including pranayama
May 5 - HD
May 12 - diaphragm in ardha chandrasana, sirsasana, parivrtta janusirsasana, seated twists, and shoulderstand.
May 12 - HD
May 19 - front walls of diaphragm in chair lunges, chest openers, bhujangasana I and II, chair assisted eka pada rajakapotasana and dhanurasana, including pranayama
May 19 - HD
May 26 - front walls of diaphragm in preparations for hanumanasana layered with outer hip openers, shoulderstand, breathing awareness
May 26 - HD
June 2 - diaphragm walls in semi restorative practice, with outer hip openers, supported backbends, chair assisted shoulderstand, supine pranayama
June 2 - HD
June 9 - diaphragm walls in supported supine heart openers, front hip openers, working up to goraksasana, including headstand and shoulderstand
June 9 - HD
spring term overview
FREE PREVIEWApril 8 - beginning diaphragm work with seated twists and restorative setubandha sarvangasana
FREE PREVIEWApril 15 - three stations of the diaphragm, ardha supta virasana, wall assisted eka pada setubandha sarvangasana, supine pranayama
April 15 - HD
April 22 - walls of the diaphragm in lunges, supta virasana, paryankhasana, eka pada rajakapotasana with a chair, shoulderstand and seated twists
April 22 - HD
April 29 - diaphragm walls and psoas in headstand, bhujangasana, urdhva muka svanasana, eka pada setubandha sarvangasana on a chair
April 29 - HD
May 6 - diaphragm walls in upward facing dog, bhujangasana, pincha mayurasana, supported janu sirsasana, and supine pranayama
May 6 - HD
May 13 - diaphragm in ustrasana, chair assisted shoulderstand, supine pranayama
May 13 - HD
May 20 - front walls of diaphragm in virabhadrasana I, garudasana, supported backbends, includes supine pranayama
May 20 - HD
May 27 - front diaphragm walls in supine supported heart openers, headstand, paryankhasana, setubandha, sarvangasana
May 27 - HD
June 3 - diaphragm walls in preparations for padmasana, headstand with leg variations, shoulderstand with leg variations.
June 3 - HD
June 10 - diaphragm walls in standing backbends, front hip and thigh opening poses, and including ardha halasana
June 10 - HD
spring term overview
FREE PREVIEWApril 8 - beginning diaphragm work with seated twists and restorative setubandha sarvangasana
FREE PREVIEWApril 15 - three stations of the diaphragm, ardha supta virasana, wall assisted eka pada setubandha sarvangasana, supine pranayama
April 15 - HD
April 22 - walls of the diaphragm in lunges, supta virasana, eka pada rajakapotasana with a chair, shoulderstand, halasana and pranayama
April 22 - HD
April 29 - diaphragm walls and psoas in headstand, bhujangasana, urdhva muka svanasana, eka pada setubandha sarvangasana on a chair
April 29 - HD
May 6 - diaphragm walls in upward facing dog, bhujangasana, pincha mayurasana, supported janu sirsasana, and supine pranayama
May 6 - HD
May 13 - diaphragm in ustrasana, chair assisted shoulderstand, supine pranayama
May 13 - HD
May 20 - front walls of diaphragm in virabhadrasana I, garudasana, supported backbends, includes supine pranayama
May 20 - HD
May 27 - front diaphragm walls in supine supported heart openers, headstand, paryankhasana, setubandha, sarvangasana
May 27 - HD
June 3 - diaphragm walls in preparations for padmasana, headstand with leg variations, shoulderstand with leg variations.
June 3 - HD
June 10 - diaphragm walls in standing backbends, front hip and thigh opening poses, and including ardha halasana
June 10 - HD