2021 February Immersion Recordings
4 days, 2 hrs/day focusing on sequencing and thematic queues to enable the heart to open. Alternatives to inversions provided.
FREE PREVIEWFebruary 12 - connecting to heart organ and heart center, grounding them, in utthita hasta padangusthasana, sirsasana, janu sirsasana, sarvangasana and pranayama.
February 12 - HD
February 13 - skin to core segments of the legs to amplify central channel connectivity, sequencing to calm the mind, including parivrtta janu sirsasana, with pranayama
February 13 - HD
February 14 - central channel movements between pelvic core and heart center, lunges, ardha supta virasana, ustrasana, dropping one leg onto a chair from shoulderstand.
February 14 - HD
February 20 - Rolling releases for legs, revolved standing poses, headstand leg variations, hanumanasana, shoulderstand leg variations
February 20 - HD