Course curriculum

    1. tuesday term overview

    2. September 8 - ardha chandrasana into restorative setubandha

    3. September 8 - HD

    4. September 15 - restorative poses to navigate wildfire air quality challenges

    5. September 15 - HD

    6. September 22 - continued lung support with restoratives and inversions

    7. September 22 - HD

    8. September 29 - rebuilding arm, lung and throat center strength + handstand

    9. September 29 - HD

    10. October 6 - vasisthasana for arm strength, throat center vitality, lung health

    11. October 6 - HD

    12. October 13 - rebuilding arm strength and exploring bakasana

    13. October 13 - HD

    14. October 20 - preparations for eka hasta bhujangasana, with pranayama

    15. October 20 - HD

    16. October 27 - inner & outer deltoids working up to padangustha dhanurasana and gherundasana II

    17. October 27 - HD

    18. November 3 - cues for deltoids, collarbones, ribcage to shoulderblades, preparing for pranayama

    19. November 3 - HD

    20. November 10 - continued shoulder work, including headstand, shoulderstand with a chair, and pranayama

    21. November 10 - HD

    22. November 17 - continued shoulder work, with headstand, shoulderstand, and pranayama

    23. November 17 - HD

    24. November 24 - collar bones and C7, working up to pincha mayurasana, including pranayama

    25. November 24 - HD

    26. December 1 - sides and segments of the lungs, setubandha sarvangasana, chair sarvangasana, including pranayama

    27. December 1 - HD

    28. December 8 - continued lung cueing, restorative baddha konasana in setubandha sarvangasana, including pranayama

    29. December 8 - HD

    1. tuesday term overview

    2. September 8 - ardha chandrasana into restorative setubandha

    3. September 8 - HD

    4. September 15 - restorative poses to navigate wildfire air quality challenges

    5. September 15 - HD

    6. September 22 - continued lung support with restoratives and inversions

    7. September 22 - HD

    8. September 29 - rebuilding arm, lung and throat center strength + handstand

    9. September 29 - HD

    10. October 6 - vasisthasana for arm strength, throat center vitality, lung health

    11. October 6 - HD

    12. October 13 - rebuilding arm strength and exploring bakasana

    13. October 13 - HD

    14. October 20 - preparations for eka hasta bhujangasana, with pranayama

    15. October 20 - HD

    16. October 27 - inner & outer deltoids working up to padangustha dhanurasana and gherundasana II

    17. October 27 - HD

    18. November 3 - cues for deltoids, collarbones, ribcage to shoulderblades, preparing for pranayama

    19. November 3 - HD

    20. November 10 - continued shoulder work, including headstand, shoulderstand with a chair, and pranayama

    21. November 10 - HD

    22. November 17 - continued shoulder work, with headstand, shoulderstand, and pranayama

    23. November 17 - HD

    24. November 24 - collar bones and C7, working up to pincha mayurasana, including pranayama

    25. November 24 - HD

    26. December 1 - sides and segments of the lungs, setubandha sarvangasana, chair sarvangasana, including pranayama

    27. December 1 - HD

    28. December 8 - continued lung cueing, restorative baddha konasana in setubandha sarvangasana, including pranayama

    29. December 8 - HD

    1. wednesday term overview

    2. September 9 - steadying the inner-body via parivrtta krounchasana

    3. September 9 - HD

    4. September 16 - supported inversions to vitalize the lungs

    5. September 16 - HD

    6. September 23 - ardha padmasana variations for relaxation and contentment

    7. September 23 - HD

    8. September 30 - flushing the liver and opening the boulevard of expression

    9. September 30 - HD

    10. October 7 - headstand, shoulderstand, bherundasana

    11. October 7 - HD

    12. October 14 - rebuilding arm strength, with inversions, chair twists and pranayama

    13. October 14 - HD

    14. October 21 - preparations for eka pada rajakapotasana I, plus moving leg variations in headstand

    15. October 21 - HD

    16. October 28 - relaxing the mind by releasing along the pubic ramus and expanding the back body fascia, with pranayama

    17. October 28 - HD

    18. November 4 - grounding the heart, relating heart to perineum, with pranayama

    19. November 4 - HD

    20. November 11 - applying the felt sense to the brain, releasing the hemispheres, with headstand and shoulderstand included

    21. November 11 - HD

    22. November 18 - decreasing anxiety by releasing along the pubic ramus, working up to yogi dandasana and including headstand, shoulderstand and pranayama

    23. November 18 - HD

    24. November 25 - upper and lower ramus of pelvis, working up to vamadevasana II, including headstand and shoulderstand

    25. November 25 - HD

    26. December 2 - pelvic ramus work continues, sequencing up to baddha konasana, padmasana, headstand and shoulderstand

    27. December 2 - HD

    28. December 9 - enhanced lower ramus releasing, headstand, shoulderstand, halasana, including pranayama

    29. December 9 - HD

    1. thursday term overview

    2. September 10 - emptying stress via baddha konasana

    3. September 10 - HD

    4. September 17 - throat center flushing with minimal vigor demand

    5. September 17 - HD

    6. September 24 - downward dog repetitions with hip openers in between

    7. September 24 - HD

    8. October 1 - opening side ribcage + pranayama

    9. October 1 - HD

    10. October 8 - deep lateral hip releasing prior to pranayama with sublime inhalation retention

    11. October 8 - HD

    12. October 15 - continued work with front hip crease, plus pelvic core to root, working up to hanumanasana, pranayama

    13. October 15 - HD

    14. October 22 - pelvic core to root relationships in parivrtta ardha chandrasana, with pranayama

    15. October 22 - HD

    16. October 29 - pelvic core and root relationships, preparing for samakonasana, with pranayama

    17. October 29 - HD

    18. November 5 - pelvic core to root relationship, preparing for upa vista konasana, includes pranayama

    19. November 5 - HD

    20. November 12 - pelvic core and root relationship to release legs out of pelvis via upward dog, hanumanasana and rajakapotasana III

    21. November 12 - HD

    22. November 19 - continued work with pelvic core and root, including headstand, shoulderstand and pranayama.

    23. November 19 - HD

    24. December 3 - pelvic core to root work continues, preparing for anantasana, including supine pranayama

    25. December 3 - HD

    26. December 10 - Q&A for pelvic core to root relationship, restorative setubandha sarvangasana, including pranayama

    27. December 10 - HD

    1. thursday term overview

    2. September 10 - emptying stress via baddha konasana

    3. September 10 - HD

    4. September 17 - throat center flushing with minimal vigor demand

    5. September 17 - HD

    6. September 24 - downward dog repetitions with hip openers in between

    7. September 24 - HD

    8. October 1 - opening side ribcage + pranayama

    9. October 1 - HD

    10. October 8 - deep lateral hip releasing prior to pranayama with sublime inhalation retention

    11. October 8 - HD

    12. October 15 - continued work with front hip crease, plus pelvic core to root, working up to hanumanasana

    13. October 15 - HD

    14. October 22 - pelvic core to root relationships in parivrtta ardha chandrasana

    15. October 22 - HD

    16. October 29 - pelvic core and root relationships, preparing for samakonasana

    17. October 29 - HD

    18. November 5 - pelvic core to root relationship, preparing for upa vista konasana, includes pranayama

    19. November 5 - HD

    20. November 12 - pelvic core and root relationship to release legs out of pelvis via upward dog and hanumanasana

    21. November 12 - HD

    22. November 19 - continued work with pelvic core and root, including headstand, shoulderstand and pranayama.

    23. November 19 - HD

    24. December 3 - pelvic core to root work continues, preparing for anantasana, including supine pranayama

    25. December 3 - HD

    26. December 10 - Q&A for pelvic core to root relationship, restorative setubandha sarvangasana, including pranayama

    27. December 10 - HD

About this course

  • $160.00
  • 141 lessons
  • 182.5 hours of video content